Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for juries who
have given me opportunity to deliver this English speech.
It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech
entitled “Developing Indonesian Cultural and Tourism”
Years to years developing Indonesian cultural and
tourism not difference, same like before. Just some famous place such as komodo
island, and bunaken. That also because there are still natural area and
beautiful view. So What’s wrong with Indonesian cultural and tourism ?. whereas
indonesia has many cultural with 1128 ethnic group from sabang until merauke.
Maybe the government not respect and don’t expose Indonesian cultural and
tourism in the world. Or the condition Indonesia not safe, still many terrorism
everywhere in indonesia. Someday, Indonesia cultural had claimed by neighbor
indonesia like Malaysia. They claim many our cultural such as batik, angklung, reok
ponorogo, and rasa sayange song. I don’t know exactly, why do they claim our
And tourism, For local
communities. tourism is so important, because that is their employment. from that,
they can get many service jobs. And also they can build up some hotels,
restaurants, travel agent, making a souvenirs, and become tour guides. Not only
that, the government also have to build up something for tourist be comfortable
when stay in indonesia, like Increase quality of airports, infrastructure of
roads, public facilities, public transportation, banks, money changers, insurance
companies, telecommunications, and many sectors of the economy others,
I want explain to
you. The most people don’t realize the Powerful forces of indonesia cultural
and tourismt is human, human of Indonesia. The world looking the human
of Indonesia is not educated. Just friendly and friendship people. So we have
to build up a local cultural institutions. from that, they can get experience
and the important thing for serve to prepare members to be residents of skilled
and responsible with their jobs. So they will able make some planning or strategy
in future of indonesia, and also they can solve problem if they get trouble.
The good effect if government develop of local cultural institutions. Of course
they want to know “what is cultural our having ?”. So education can be a force
to social change are quite large, because foster creativity and innovation is
learners, learner can to develop renewal indonesian cultural and tourism.
As student, I just give
solution. The strong point my solution is :
- First provide the best security to tourists, so tourists be safe.
- Making facilities and infrastructure to development of local cultural institutions.
- Making the tourism sector as a source of employment local communities.
- Expose indonesia cultural and tourism at events internasional.
- Increase the tour events indonesia Festival and Competition internasional.
- Improve others Tourism, like shopping, education, historical, culinary tourism.
- Improvement the quality of infrastructure and facilities that support the beauty and comfort in around tour area.
- And provide a special tourist vehicles or repair of public transportation to be safer and more comfortable.
For other student,
please care about our culture, the culture of Indonesia. we should be proud to
be an Indonesian! Proud with many kind culture of Indonesia! This is our
culture! our Indonesia! Now the fate of the Indonesian is in our hands, the young
of Indonesia. please give the best for Indonesia.!.
I think that’s all my speech.
I hope my brief description on the developing Indonesia
cultural and tourism will be useful for us.
Finally, I would like to say
sorry if there are mistakes in my speech words. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
*Original Mothree
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
*Original Mothree